Multi Entity Support

Maintain manuals for groups of related companies, save time and effort by sharing the common documents across group companies. Override or add company specific documents. Save time, reduce duplication, eliminate inconsistency.

Subsidiary Companies

Use to manage documentation for related groups of companies


Setup a country as an entity, share the common, create the unique.


An entity could equally be a facility, whatever makes sense to your business.

Multiple Entity Support

At Section or Individual Document level

The company manual documentation and information system software has optional support for multiple entities at document and section level.

What does this mean? Well, if your organisation is comprised of several companies or entities (it needn’t be a company, but that’s the primary use case, it could equally be a country, territory or facility), it’s possible to create entity specific sections or documents that are only visible if a staff member belongs to (or has logged in to) the given entity.

Consider a group of companies ACME Group, with several subsidiary companies ACME IT, ACME Widgets, and ACME Finance.

You could create and manage entirely separate policies, process worksheets and procedures for all of these individual companies, or you could share what is common across the group and add only what is specific for each company via entity specific sections or documents.

That is potentially one HR policy to maintain as opposed to four. Maybe the duplication goes further, if you have four systems rather than one, the potential for wasteful costly duplication can be significant. 

Share or specialise

It might be that you have a common staff maternity policy, and the information in that policy applies to all staff in all group companies. In that case you can attach the policy (or even the entire section) to the group level.

If at a future date, the policy needs to change, but only for one member company, then you can add the new policy and have it override the group policy when an employee from the member company logs in.

People see what is relevant to them based on their entity. 

For organisations who have work across entity boundaries, you can enable entity selection, or the individual can be forced into one entity.

In either case our company manual solution allows you to share common policies and procedures across a group of organisations, and specialise only those that differ, therefore reducing what in larger organisations can be a significant maintenance and compliance burden.