
Notify people when things change and why, inform them when they have actions to complete, remind them periodically about items requiring their attention.

Update Notifications

Keep people informed, notify them when and why documentation of all kinds changes.

Review Notifications

Ensure people are notified about documents they are required to review.

Read and sign notifications

Ensure people are notified when they have read and sign obligations.

Pointing things Out

You have something to do

The system will inform people when they have an action to perform in system. This is done immediately upon login with numbers of the respective types of items they need to action. This ensures people using the system regularly have an instant visibility of any read and sign actions, document reviews, or just general updates to be aware of. 

You really have something to do

Of course, notifying people they have something do in system is only one part of the solution. If they don’t log in for a while or log in infrequently, you also need to notify them of any document reviews or change requests they need to action. We do this via email, which can be scheduled and targeted as required. We use dependable reliable transaction email providers to ensure delivery, and can setup notifications of any failures to deliver so you can be sure email arrives or otherwise.

We can also add additional options for notifications as required should you have any. 

Notifying Change

Change happens, does anyone know?

When things change, it is important to inform people who are impacted by that change. These changes can be simple and unimportant, or critical, but in both cases there is a need to notify.

We make it easy to inform employees and partners when documents change. We support active notification by email, emailing impacted users about updates on a periodic basis, and passive notification, whereby the first thing a user sees, when they log into the system, is a list of everything updated in the last month, along with the number of updates. This allows them at a glance to see what has changed, investigate why it’s changed, and understand when it’s changed.

Avoiding Change Spam

How often should we notify changes? That really depends on the requirements you have and the importance of the information that has changed. We let you determine how often email notifications are sent, you can send them as frequently or as infrequently as required. You can also push the notifications out on an ad hoc basis rather than on a schedule, and limit to specific groups or subsets of users of the system.

We can also configure the system to allow users to set their individual notification preferences, opting into or out of specific types of notification as required (of course, you can override this as required). What’s important is that you have the ability to notify as often or as infrequently as you require, and users optionally have the ability to opt out of those notifications, helping avoid email fatigue or change spam.

Notifying Actions

Read And Sign Actions

For important changes, you can utilise read and sign. When a user has a read and sign action you can also notify them by email, periodically or on an ad hoc basis. In addition, when logging into the system a user has all of their read and sign obligations available in one easy to access location, and a count of those items along with an estimated reading time is displayed for them. Like all other notifications we can allow users to opt out of email notifications, if required, and you can control exactly how often users are notified about those obligations.

Review Notifications

The system allows review notifications to be sent out to users with outstanding or imminent document review obligations. In addition to this, when a user logs in, they see any documentation they have a review responsibility for, along with the time remaining to complete that review. As with other notifications, our scheduler lets you determine how often email reminders are sent for document reviews.

Change Requests

For users that have submitted a change request, they can easily determine the status of a change request when logged into the system, and in addition can opt to receive notifications about approvals or rejections to that request, along with any rejection reasons.


Users who are responsible for approving or rejecting change requests can see, upon logging in to the system, how many change requests they have to action, in addition, just like other notifications, the system can be configured to periodically notify people about outstanding items requiring their attention.